Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What We Did In Class Tuesday 9/25

Jennifer Kant, our Keene State College Center for Writing liaison, visited the class. Thanks, Jennifer! If you'd like to learn more about what the Center has to offer, check out their slick new website and blog at http://keenestateinfo.com/cw/.
We did peer review of your introductory paragraphs (peer drafts) for the semester-long research and writing project using this Peer Feedback form. Students will hand in the instructor drafts of their introductory paragraphs on Tuesday of next week. The peer draft and peer review should be attached. If you were not here for peer review or did not have a paragraph to be reviewed, please write a note saying so on your instructor draft next week.
The 4 o'clock and 6 o'clock sections discussed the reading, "Making Global Voices Heard," and students shared their impressions of the blogs mentioned in the interview with Rebecca MacKinnon (NKZone, Global Voices, Hoder, Isaac Mao, Kenyan Pundit, OhMyNews, RConversations, Screenshots) which they wrote about for HW 11.
The 12 o'clock section worked in groups to pick topics for the group pages on the Keene Wiki.
I asked folks in the 4 pm and 6 pm classes to bring their laptops on Thursday if they have wireless capability and if it is convenient for them. We're going to work on the wiki topic pages on Thursday.
I distributed the HW 13 handout, which can also be downloaded from my academic website: HW 13
I also distributed a little bookmark-sized handout that said:

For Thursday, please also catch up on any missing features in your reading response blog. Make sure that:
· Your “My Pod” list displays links to all the members of your pod
· Your “Blogs I’m Watching” list shows the three blogs you’re following in the class
· There’s a link to the Tracy’s Office blog at http://itw101.blogspot.com
· You’ve written a description of your blog that says that the blog is for the ITW 101 class A Blog of One’s Own, and that the description is visible on your blog. (If it is not, go to the template and use the Add Feature button to add a Text section. Write it in there and don’t forget to save. )

· Your blog does not announce your full name

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